Furnace Repairs in New Lenox, IL

When your furnace malfunctions or needs furnace maintenance, call us at 815-463-0333 for furnace repairs in New Lenox, IL, and Will County.

If your furnace shuts off before heating your house or making odd sounds, you must schedule repairs with a trusted professional. Furnace contractors can inspect the unit, make the repairs, and get it up and running quickly to restore comfort and safety to your house. Call Update Heating and Cooling Services for appointments in New Lenox, IL. We offer same-day services!

When you need to replace your aging furnace, call us for furnace installations.

Ways To Keep Your Furnace Maintained

Our technicians recommend performing furnace maintenance services to keep your system running correctly. Some services the experts from our furnace service company suggest are:

  • Replace the filter every three months at a minimum.
  • Ensure a carbon monoxide monitor is in place, and have it assessed by a professional during your yearly maintenance check-up.
  • Call a heating contractor to examine and properly seal your furnace ducts.
  • Inspect the blower for any potential blockages and lubricate if necessary.
  • Examine the interior of the unit’s chamber for defects such as rust, holes, or separated seams.
  • Use fresh water to cleanse the burners and remove any accumulated dust or dirt.
  • Utilize a wire brush and emery cloth to clean the sensor and pilot.
  • Verify the “high limit” of the unit to prevent overheating.
  • Regularly monitor the gas meter to track fuel consumption.
  • Keep the area surrounding the system clear of debris to ensure proper function.
  • Arrange for professional furnace tune ups at least once a year.